Civics in Orlando; Orlando Civics

This article is lightly explores the understanding and practice of civics within the Orlando community, focusing on education, social responsibility, government functionality, and civic virtue.

Civics in Orlando; Orlando Civics
This article is lightly explores the understanding and practice of civics within the Orlando community, focusing on education, social responsibility, government functionality, and civic virtue.
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Aug 20, 2024 07:09 PM
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The phrase "Civics in Orlando" suggests an examination of how civic education, social responsibility, and government functionality manifest within the specific context of Orlando, providing a localized perspective. On the other hand, "Orlando Civics" could imply a broader exploration of civic life that is unique to Orlando, possibly including unique local customs or community practices. Both offer valuable insights but focus on different aspects of civic engagement in the city. Nonetheless, let’s dive in:

Civics Defied

Civics refers to the study of the rights and duties of citizenship and the workings of government and the role of citizens. It encompasses several meanings:
  1. Educational Discipline: Civics is a branch of political science that deals with understanding the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizens within a political system.
  1. Social Responsibility: It involves the active participation of citizens in the political and community life, including voting, activism, and public service.
  1. Government Functionality: Civics also covers the structure and function of government institutions, laws, and the electoral process.
  1. Civic Virtue: This aspect focuses on the cultivation of habits important for the success of the community, such as honesty, self-restraint, and respect for others.

Civics in Orlando

  1. Educational Discipline: In Orlando, civic education can be supported through local schools and universities offering courses on government and citizenship. Resources include:
      • University of Central Florida's Political Science Department
      • Orange County Public Schools civics curriculum
  1. Social Responsibility: Orlando citizens can engage in social responsibility through community organizations and initiatives. Resources include:
      • League of Women Voters of Orange County
      • Volunteer opportunities with local nonprofits like United Way of Central Florida
  1. Government Functionality: Understanding the structure and function of local government institutions is crucial. Resources include:
      • City of Orlando official website for information on local government services and departments
      • Orange County Government website for county-level information
  1. Civic Virtue: Promoting civic virtue can be achieved through participating in community events and workshops. Resources include:
      • Orlando Public Library workshops and events
      • Community events hosted by the Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce

That’s It. Thanks for reading.

Message from the editor,
Fitness does not have to be a gym, 1 hour a day, 4 days a week + crazy diet — it can be small, consistent workouts and being aware of what and how much you eat.

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Written by

John Guerra
John Guerra

I am a resident of Orlando for over 30 years. From middle school to adulthood. Left for college, Iowa and Arizona. Came back in early 20s. Born in New York.


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